Sunday, November 11, 2012

Move/make: Weeks 6 and 7, Take 2

Today's weight: 177.6.


Week 6:
Monday: Spin class (1 hour)
Tuesday: Off
Wednesday: Elliptical (30 minutes)
Thursday: Off
Friday: Ran 30 minutes
Saturday: Off
Sunday: Off

Week 7:
Monday: Spin class (50 minutes)
Tuesday: Spin class (50 minutes)
Wednesday: Ran 40 minutes
Thursday: Met w/ personal trainer
Friday: Off
Saturday: Ran 30 minutes
Sunday: Off

Thoughts on food:
Last week was my busiest so far at work. I worked late or through lunch almost every day, grabbing snacks when I could. My diet has been awful -- it's always the first thing I neglect. I met with a nutritionist and found out two suprising things: I'm eating way fewer calories than I thought, and nearly 50 percent of those calories are from fat. So, this week's project? Eat better. It's almost certainly why I'm not losing weight very quickly -- my body is malnourished.

The funny thing is, I don't eat meat, I don't smoke, and I rarely drink. I don't eat fast food, and I stopped buying things like chips and cookies to keep in the house. I even gave up Diet Coke. Because the worst things I eat now are cheeses and nuts, I (mistakenly) assumed my diet wasn't so bad. So, it was an eye-opening meeting. And I shudder to think how unhealthy I would be if I was doing all of the above things.

Overall reflections:
I am so happy to have discovered spin class. The days are shorter, and it's dark by the time I get home from work. That means I can't run outside anymore -- the first time I haven't been able to do that since I started running. I've been pretty down about it, but spin class looks like the thing that'll get me through the winter. I love it!

My meeting with a personal trainer was good, too. I learned what I need to work on, and I wasn't overwhelmed or intimidated. She was very nice. After the holidays, I want to keep meeting with her. It's expensive, but my girlfriend assures that the money she spent on a personal trainer was some of the best money she ever spent.

I accomplished everything off of last week's list except for cooking. My job was so, so exhausting these last two weeks, and I learned that I totally neglect healthy eating when I'm stressed at work. So, for this week:
  • Keep going to spin class.
  • Continue to make peace with the treadmill (I learned last week that a good iPod playlist makes all the difference).
  • In general, embrace the fact that I can't run outside anymore during the week, and take advantage of weekends, when I can go outdoors. 
  • Buy and make some (very) easy meals -- I'm talking frozen veggies and salmon filets. That easy. I hate frozen food, but it's got to be better than bread and cheese five days straight. Right?

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